Is India A Developed Country

The argument of the developed versus the undeveloped is India’s reality. The reality is that India has one of the largest populations of any nation in the world and yet the vast majority lives in poverty. India is a developed country but the question is whether the majority of Indians live in a developed country or a developing country. The problem is that most of the developed nations like to pit the developed countries against the developing countries.

It is not wrong to do this but it is important to approach the question from another angle. Rather, the question should be is India a developed country or is it a developing country. There is no real way to measure the levels of development in India. In fact, the closest thing we can say is that the governments in both countries are corrupt and inefficient. There is no comparison between the two in the minds of the commentators.

One can only judge the developed countries by their own standards. One can judge the poor countries by their own standards. To conclude that a country is a poor country based on the standard of living of the people is to arbitrarily choose a conclusion without any basis. The country’s poor standard of living depends on how it is measured.

The argument of the is india a developed country essay is also a fair one. If you compare the living standards of people in the urban and the rural areas, you will find that there is tremendous disparity. The urban population lives in huge concrete slabs whereas the rural people live in wicker baskets and adorn themselves with carpets. The reason why there is such disparity is that there are few opportunities for the rural people to make something of their lives. The developed countries accept that these people cannot flourish unless they are properly educated and job oriented.

India is a developed country but it is not a developed country solely on the basis of its material wealth. There is a big divide between the haves and the have nots in the country. Those who have the resources are doing very well economically. Whereas the rest of the population has been forced to live on what the bare necessities support. This is the reason why there is poverty in almost every part of the country.

The poor standard of living and the uneven distribution of wealth is the key reason why there is poverty in the country. This is also the reason why the government is trying to uplift the poor communities by providing jobs. If poverty is the reason for unemployment, then it is obvious that the government cannot be a Developed country.

Development means two things. It means being developed economically and being developed socially. The country’s social structure needs to be re-structured so that the poor majority is not suppressed by the poor minority. India has some of the most progressive policies in the world when it comes to gender discrimination. Although to kill a mockingbird essay of women in the workforce is less than the male counterparts, the government is working diligently to ensure that progress is made.

The country essay “Is India A Developed Country?” presents this i believe essay examples of the Indian society and the current trends in the country. It provides a detailed account of the current scenario and also looks at the prospects for the future. The author has used his unique perception and understanding of the country’s development to create this lively and enlightening country essay that can be downloaded from the Internet for free.

“Is India A Developed Country?” An essay that delves deeply into the country’s developmental process and its prospects for the future. Download the Country Essay “Is India A Developed Country?”

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